quá trình dập phần kim loại dập kim loại

Place of Origin:Thiên tân, Trung Quốc

Brand Name:Huazhen

Vật chất: Thép, alloy Steel, Thép không gỉ

Xử lý bề mặt: Customize

Dịch vụ: Customize design and making

Bưu kiện: Bubble Bag+ Carton+ Wooden Box

Kích thước: Customized Size

Sức chịu đựng: 0.01-0.05mm

  • Description
  • Inquiry


If you are searching for hardware stamping parts that offer great value for money, we encourage you to consider the products we offer. Our stamping service can enhance the production efficiency of metal parts, minimize material waste, and lower production costs. We are proud to offer a remarkable price-to-performance ratio, and we provide a diverse selection of sizes to suit your specific needs.


Our stamping process is versatile and can be applied to fabricate parts and products of different shapes, sizes, and thicknesses. We can cater to all your specific requirements, and we utilize high-quality materials such as steel, thép hợp kim, and stainless steel to ensure the excellence of our products.

[đóng gói]

Chúng tôi có thể tùy chỉnh bao bì theo khách hàng’ yêu cầu.

【Ứng dụng】

Our hardware stamping parts are commonly utilized in construction, woodworking, and metalworking applications. Whether you need parts for a metal case or base plate, we offer the optimal solution for your needs, regardless of your industry. If you are interested in our products, please do not hesitate to contact us for a consultation.